1. Australian English incorporates several uniquely Australian terms, such as outback to refer to remote regional areas, walkabout to refer to a long journey of uncertain length and bush to refer to native forested areas.
2. Fair dinkum can mean are you telling me the truth?, or this is the truth!, or even this is ridiculous! depending on context. G'day is well known as a stereotypical Australian greeting. (It is worth noting that "G'day" is not quite synonymous with "good day", and is never used as an expression for "farewell".)
3. Some elements of Aboriginal languages have been incorporated into Australian English, mainly as names for places, flora and fauna (e.g. Dingo, kangaroo). Beyond that, very few terms have been adopted into the wider language. A notable exception is Cooee (a musical call which travels long distances in the bush and is used to say 'is there anyone there?'). Though often thought of as an Aboriginal word, Didgeridoo/Didjeridu (a well known wooden musical instrument) is actually an onomatopoeic term coined by an English settler.
4. Australian English has a unique set of diminutives formed by adding -o or -ie to the ends of (often abbreviated words). There does not appear to be any particular pattern to which of these suffixes is used. Examples with the -o ending include abo (aborigine - now considered very offensive), arvo (afternoon), servo (service station) and ambo (ambulance officer). Examples of the -ie ending include barbie (barbeque), bikkie (biscuit) and blowie (blowfly). Occasionally, a -za diminutive is used, usually for personal names. Barry becomes Bazza, Karen becomes Kazza and Sharon becomes Shazza.
5. A substantial collection of unusual words are in common spoken usage - e.g. "dacks" (trousers), "dag" (unfashionable person), "ute" (a utility truck). An even larger vocabulary is derived from recognisable words with entirely new meanings - "to bag" (to criticise), "blue" (either a fight or heated argument, or an embarrassing mistake), "crook" (unwell, also unfair), "to wag" (to play truant), "cactus" (non-functional), "cut" (angry) and especially "root" (a euphemism for sexual intercourse, which has caused social embarrassment for American women who innocently declare that they "root" for a particular sports team). Iin Australia fanny is a slang term for a vagina.
dimarts, 7 de desembre del 2010
Australian English vocabulary
• ace - excellent, very good
• aggro – (adj) aggressive; (n) aggravation
• apples, she's - everything is all right;
• arvo – short for afternoon; in use since the 1950s
• bag - (v) to denigrate; (n) an ugly woman;
• bang sexual intercourse
• beaut – (adj) great, fantastic, terrific; in use since the 1910s (n);
• beauty – exclamation showing approval, often spelt as bewdy
• bickie – biscuit.
• big bickies – lots of money
• bizzo - business ("Mind your own bizzo.")
• bloody oath - that's certainly true;
• blue an embarrassing mistake (for example, "I've made a blue.")
• bodgy - of inferior quality
• bog in - to attack a meal with enthusiasm
• bottler - something excellent
• buggered - tired. "I'm feeling buggered."
• buttsucker - someone who smokes cigarettes
• cackleberry - egg
• chook - a chicken
• Chrissie - Christmas
• chunder - vomit. "I had a chunder.".
• come a gutser - make a bad mistake, have an accident
• cossie, cozzie - swimming costume, bathers
• cranky - in a bad mood, angry
• crunk - to get drunk
• cut – angry or upset
• dag an unfashionable or uncool person, equivalent to "geek" or "dork".
• deso - the designated driver on a night out.. I can't, I'm the deso'
• dinger - condom
• dinkum – honest, genuine, real Fair dinkum means "fair and square", i.e. honest; true; real; genuine; can be shortened to dinks
• docket - a bill, receipt
• doco - documentary
• drongo - foolish person
• dunny – toilet derro - a term for idiot ,. 'What a derro'
E • earbashing - nagging, non-stop chatter
F • footpath – any well-used walkway, sidewalk or pavement.
• franger - condom
G • g'day – good day, hello;
• good onya - good for you, well done
H • hooroo - goodbye
J • jaded- feeling hungover or suffering the after effects of drugs
L • lingo – language or dialect
• lippy - lipstick
N • no worries or nurries – you're welcome; no problem; that's all right;
• norgs - tits
O • okey-dokey – OK
• onya - a congratulatory term
• paro/parro/ pissed - drunk
• pig's arse – I don't agree with you
• porker - a lie, "he's tellin porkers"
• pov or povo – cheap looking; from poverty
• preggers, preggo - pregnant
• pissing down – raining heavy
• Poof, poofter - homosexual, gay or a fag
Q • quack - a doctor. "I have to visit the quack."
• quid, make a - earn a living
• rage - party
• rage on - to continue partying - "we raged on until 3am"
• rapt - pleased, delighted
• ratshit – broken, not working properly; extremely drunk
• reckon - Giving your opinion. ("It's hot, don't you reckon?"
• rego - vehicle registration
• ridgy-didge - original, genuine
• righto - okay or that's right. Can also be said as rightio.
• root - slang term for sex
• ropeable - very angry
• rubbish - (verb) to criticise
• scrag an unattractive woman
• servo - service station (i.e. petrol station / gas station)
• sheila - woman.
• sherbet - beer. As in "going to to the pub for a couple of sherbets"
• stella - good, pleasing, thanks
• stoked - very pleased
• stuffed – exhausted, tired
• sweet – fine, good
• tinny - a can of beer
• tinny, tin-arsed - lucky
• toey - nervous, distracted;
• togs - swimming costume, bathers
U • unco - clumsy, uncoordinated
• uni - university
• unit - flat, apartment
• up the duff - pregnant (i.e., my sheila's up the duff)
• wag –to play truant
• whinge - complain; similar to crying
• wog - flu or trivial illness.
Y • yabber - talk (a lot)
• yarn - (verb) to talk
• ace - excellent, very good
• aggro – (adj) aggressive; (n) aggravation
• apples, she's - everything is all right;
• arvo – short for afternoon; in use since the 1950s
• bag - (v) to denigrate; (n) an ugly woman;
• bang sexual intercourse
• beaut – (adj) great, fantastic, terrific; in use since the 1910s (n);
• beauty – exclamation showing approval, often spelt as bewdy
• bickie – biscuit.
• big bickies – lots of money
• bizzo - business ("Mind your own bizzo.")
• bloody oath - that's certainly true;
• blue an embarrassing mistake (for example, "I've made a blue.")
• bodgy - of inferior quality
• bog in - to attack a meal with enthusiasm
• bottler - something excellent
• buggered - tired. "I'm feeling buggered."
• buttsucker - someone who smokes cigarettes
• cackleberry - egg
• chook - a chicken
• Chrissie - Christmas
• chunder - vomit. "I had a chunder.".
• come a gutser - make a bad mistake, have an accident
• cossie, cozzie - swimming costume, bathers
• cranky - in a bad mood, angry
• crunk - to get drunk
• cut – angry or upset
• dag an unfashionable or uncool person, equivalent to "geek" or "dork".
• deso - the designated driver on a night out.. I can't, I'm the deso'
• dinger - condom
• dinkum – honest, genuine, real Fair dinkum means "fair and square", i.e. honest; true; real; genuine; can be shortened to dinks
• docket - a bill, receipt
• doco - documentary
• drongo - foolish person
• dunny – toilet derro - a term for idiot ,. 'What a derro'
E • earbashing - nagging, non-stop chatter
F • footpath – any well-used walkway, sidewalk or pavement.
• franger - condom
G • g'day – good day, hello;
• good onya - good for you, well done
H • hooroo - goodbye
J • jaded- feeling hungover or suffering the after effects of drugs
L • lingo – language or dialect
• lippy - lipstick
N • no worries or nurries – you're welcome; no problem; that's all right;
• norgs - tits
O • okey-dokey – OK
• onya - a congratulatory term
• paro/parro/ pissed - drunk
• pig's arse – I don't agree with you
• porker - a lie, "he's tellin porkers"
• pov or povo – cheap looking; from poverty
• preggers, preggo - pregnant
• pissing down – raining heavy
• Poof, poofter - homosexual, gay or a fag
Q • quack - a doctor. "I have to visit the quack."
• quid, make a - earn a living
• rage - party
• rage on - to continue partying - "we raged on until 3am"
• rapt - pleased, delighted
• ratshit – broken, not working properly; extremely drunk
• reckon - Giving your opinion. ("It's hot, don't you reckon?"
• rego - vehicle registration
• ridgy-didge - original, genuine
• righto - okay or that's right. Can also be said as rightio.
• root - slang term for sex
• ropeable - very angry
• rubbish - (verb) to criticise
• scrag an unattractive woman
• servo - service station (i.e. petrol station / gas station)
• sheila - woman.
• sherbet - beer. As in "going to to the pub for a couple of sherbets"
• stella - good, pleasing, thanks
• stoked - very pleased
• stuffed – exhausted, tired
• sweet – fine, good
• tinny - a can of beer
• tinny, tin-arsed - lucky
• toey - nervous, distracted;
• togs - swimming costume, bathers
U • unco - clumsy, uncoordinated
• uni - university
• unit - flat, apartment
• up the duff - pregnant (i.e., my sheila's up the duff)
• wag –to play truant
• whinge - complain; similar to crying
• wog - flu or trivial illness.
Y • yabber - talk (a lot)
• yarn - (verb) to talk
divendres, 3 de desembre del 2010
Exercisis per a alumnes de 2n d'ESO
dilluns, 1 de novembre del 2010
Orange juice and breakfast cereals are
Readily available in the dining room
Please tick which of the following you would like
Included in your full English breakfast or tick
One of the lighter options available
Thank you
Full English
Grilled sausage
2 rashers of grilled bacon
Fried egg
Fried bread
Grilled fresh tomatoes
Tinned tomatoes
Baked beans
Lighter options
Scrambled eggs on toast
Poached eggs on toast
Baked beans on toast
Tinned tomatoes on toast
Orange juice and breakfast cereals are
Readily available in the dining room
Please tick which of the following you would like
Included in your full English breakfast or tick
One of the lighter options available
Thank you
Full English
Grilled sausage
2 rashers of grilled bacon
Fried egg
Fried bread
Grilled fresh tomatoes
Tinned tomatoes
Baked beans
Lighter options
Scrambled eggs on toast
Poached eggs on toast
Baked beans on toast
Tinned tomatoes on toast
Catalan menu in English
Catalan Appetizers, Snacks and Tapas
• Amanida = Catalan salad
• Cigales a l’all = Garlic scampi
• Croquetes amb xamfaina = Vegetable pastries
• Gambes amb salsa romesco = Prawns in a spicy sauce dip
• Pa amb tomaquet = Bread and tomato appetizers
• Patates braves = Potatoes in spicy sauce
• Xató = Tarragona-style salad
Catalan Rice, Pasta Dishes and Soups
• Arròs a la catalana = Catalan-style rice
• Arròs amb crosta = Oven-browned rice
• Arròs amb faves = Rice with broad beans
• Arròs negre amb allioli = Black rice with garlic and oil sauce
• Canelons a la catalana = Catalan-style cannelloni
• Fideus a la catalana = Spicy spaghetti with cured meats
• Fideus amb mariscs = Thin spaghetti with seafood
• Fideuà = Paella with pasta and fish
• Escudella a la catalana = Chickpea soup
• Sopa de musclos = Mussel soup
Catalan Meat and Fowl Recipes
• Rostit de porc a la catalana = Oven-roasted fillet of pork
• Conill a la tarraconenca = Rabbit and chocolate casserole
• Conill amb cargols = Rabbit with snails
• Costelles al forn = Oven-roasted pork spare-ribs
• Escudella i carn d'olla = Mixed boiled meats with rice and broth soup
• Estofat de bou = Beef stew with chocolate
• Fricandó = Stewed meat and vegetables
• Mar i terra = Surf-and-turf: chicken with lobster and chocolate
• Paella mixta= Catalan-style paella
• Gall d’indi a la catalana = Stuffed turkey
• Perdiu amb cols = Partridges in cabbage parcels
• Pollastre amb pebrots = Chicken with small green peppers
• Pollastre amb xamfaina = Chicken with aubergines and sweet peppers
• Porc amb musclos = Pork with mussels
Catalan Fish, Shellfish and Seafood
• Anguila a l’all i pebre = Stewed eels
• Bacallà amb xamfaina = Cod with eggplant and vegetables
• Cap roig amb salsa d’all = Garlic scorpion fish
• Cargols a la llauna = Snails au gratin
• Cargols a la potarrallada = Grilled snails
• Orada a la sal = Gilthead in salt
• Esqueixada de bacallà = Dried codfish salad
• Sípia amb rovellons = Cuttlefish with mushrooms
• Llagosta a la Costa Brava = Lobster in chocolate-flavored picada
• Musclos farcits = Stuffed mussels
• Orada a la sal = Sea bream in a salt crust
• Pataco = Fresh tuna with clams and vegetables
• Rap en salsa d’ametlles = Anglerfish in almond sauce
• Suquet de peix amb allioli = Mixed fish casserole with alioli sauce
• Zarzuela = Mixed seafood stew
Catalan Egg and Vegetables Recipes
• Albergínia a la catalana =Aubergines with walnuts
• Cols a la catalana = Cabbage in spicy sauce
• Escalivada = Oven-baked vegetable mix
• Espinacs a la catalana / Espinacs amb passes i pinyons = Spinach with raisins and pine nuts
• Faves al tombet = Broad beans with lettuce
• Faves a la catalana = Broad beans with mixed cured meats
• Panadons amb espinacs = Spinach parcels
• Rovellons a la brasa = Grilled mushrooms
• Truita de patates = Open omelette with potatoes
• Truita de tomàquets i pebrots = Tomato and sweet pepper open omelette
Catalan Cakes, Sweets and Desserts
• Crema catalana / Crema de Sant Josep = Oven-baked vanilla custard topped with caramelized sugar
• Ensaimades = Sweet twists
• Granissat = Lemon water-ice
• Mel i mató = Honey and soft cheese
• Menjar blanc = Almond blancmange
• Amanida = Catalan salad
• Cigales a l’all = Garlic scampi
• Croquetes amb xamfaina = Vegetable pastries
• Gambes amb salsa romesco = Prawns in a spicy sauce dip
• Pa amb tomaquet = Bread and tomato appetizers
• Patates braves = Potatoes in spicy sauce
• Xató = Tarragona-style salad
Catalan Rice, Pasta Dishes and Soups
• Arròs a la catalana = Catalan-style rice
• Arròs amb crosta = Oven-browned rice
• Arròs amb faves = Rice with broad beans
• Arròs negre amb allioli = Black rice with garlic and oil sauce
• Canelons a la catalana = Catalan-style cannelloni
• Fideus a la catalana = Spicy spaghetti with cured meats
• Fideus amb mariscs = Thin spaghetti with seafood
• Fideuà = Paella with pasta and fish
• Escudella a la catalana = Chickpea soup
• Sopa de musclos = Mussel soup
Catalan Meat and Fowl Recipes
• Rostit de porc a la catalana = Oven-roasted fillet of pork
• Conill a la tarraconenca = Rabbit and chocolate casserole
• Conill amb cargols = Rabbit with snails
• Costelles al forn = Oven-roasted pork spare-ribs
• Escudella i carn d'olla = Mixed boiled meats with rice and broth soup
• Estofat de bou = Beef stew with chocolate
• Fricandó = Stewed meat and vegetables
• Mar i terra = Surf-and-turf: chicken with lobster and chocolate
• Paella mixta= Catalan-style paella
• Gall d’indi a la catalana = Stuffed turkey
• Perdiu amb cols = Partridges in cabbage parcels
• Pollastre amb pebrots = Chicken with small green peppers
• Pollastre amb xamfaina = Chicken with aubergines and sweet peppers
• Porc amb musclos = Pork with mussels
Catalan Fish, Shellfish and Seafood
• Anguila a l’all i pebre = Stewed eels
• Bacallà amb xamfaina = Cod with eggplant and vegetables
• Cap roig amb salsa d’all = Garlic scorpion fish
• Cargols a la llauna = Snails au gratin
• Cargols a la potarrallada = Grilled snails
• Orada a la sal = Gilthead in salt
• Esqueixada de bacallà = Dried codfish salad
• Sípia amb rovellons = Cuttlefish with mushrooms
• Llagosta a la Costa Brava = Lobster in chocolate-flavored picada
• Musclos farcits = Stuffed mussels
• Orada a la sal = Sea bream in a salt crust
• Pataco = Fresh tuna with clams and vegetables
• Rap en salsa d’ametlles = Anglerfish in almond sauce
• Suquet de peix amb allioli = Mixed fish casserole with alioli sauce
• Zarzuela = Mixed seafood stew
Catalan Egg and Vegetables Recipes
• Albergínia a la catalana =Aubergines with walnuts
• Cols a la catalana = Cabbage in spicy sauce
• Escalivada = Oven-baked vegetable mix
• Espinacs a la catalana / Espinacs amb passes i pinyons = Spinach with raisins and pine nuts
• Faves al tombet = Broad beans with lettuce
• Faves a la catalana = Broad beans with mixed cured meats
• Panadons amb espinacs = Spinach parcels
• Rovellons a la brasa = Grilled mushrooms
• Truita de patates = Open omelette with potatoes
• Truita de tomàquets i pebrots = Tomato and sweet pepper open omelette
Catalan Cakes, Sweets and Desserts
• Crema catalana / Crema de Sant Josep = Oven-baked vanilla custard topped with caramelized sugar
• Ensaimades = Sweet twists
• Granissat = Lemon water-ice
• Mel i mató = Honey and soft cheese
• Menjar blanc = Almond blancmange
dilluns, 25 d’octubre del 2010
Exercises with comparatives
diumenge, 24 d’octubre del 2010
Exercise on prepositions: time, place and direction
Exercise on prepositions: time, place and direction
Exercises on verbal tenses
1. Exercises on Simple present and present continuous
2. Exercises on Simple past and past continuous
3. Exercises on Simple past and present perfect
4. Exercises on will-going to
5. Exercises on simple past and past perfect
2. Exercises on Simple past and past continuous
3. Exercises on Simple past and present perfect
4. Exercises on will-going to
5. Exercises on simple past and past perfect
Grammar Exercises - Articles
You can try to do exercises 1,2 and 3
dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2010
Yorkshire Pudding
Yorkshire Pudding
3 cups sifted flour1/4 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 cup milk
Sift flour and salt together. Beat eggs until light and add sifted ingredients.Add milk gradually and beat two minutes with rotary egg beater. Prepare pudding to pour into pan 30 minutes before beef has finished roasting. Place beef to one side of roasting pan and pour off small about of fat. Grease an oblong pan with drippings. Pour Yorkshire Pudding mixture into pan. Return to oven and cook about 30 minutes.Cut into squares and serve with roast beef.Steak and Kidney Pie
Steak and Kidney Pie
1 Kidney, beef4 tablespoons Shortening
2 Onion; chopped
2 pounds Round steak; cubed
1 1/2 tablespoons Worcester sauce
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
2 tablespoons Butter; softened
2 tablespoons Flour
2 tablespoons Parsley; minced
1 teaspoon Rosemary
1 teaspoon Oregano
1 cup Flour; + 2 teaspoons
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/3 cup Shortening
2 tablespoons water, cold
Wash the kidney, remove membranes and fat, and cut kidney in 1" cubes. Cube the steak into 1" cubes. Melt the shortening in a heavy pot. Add the onions and cook, stirring often, until well browned. Add the steak and kidneys. When the meat is browned on all sides, pour on 2 cups of boiling water, Worcester, salt, and pepper. Cove and cook over a very low heat for 1 1/2 hours, or until the steak is tender. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Blend the butter with the flour to make a beurre manie. Drop small pellets of this paste into the sauce and stir to thicken it. Put meat and sauce into a deep pie plate and sprinkle with parsley. If you wish to use a pastry topping, roll out the dough and cover the pie plate. Slash the top, crimp the edges, and bake about 30 minutes, or until well browned. Pastry: Mix the flour and salt. Cut in the shortening with a pastry blender. Combine lightly only until the mixture resembles coarse meal or very tine peas; its texture will not be uniform but will contain crumbs and small bits and pieces. Sprinkle water over the flour mixture, a tablespoon at a time, and mix lightly with a fork, using only enough water so that the pastry will hold together when pressed gently into a ball.Mixed Grill
Mixed Grill
Serves 44 lambs kidneys (skinned and halved)
4 lamb chops
1 lb (45og) of rump steak cut into 4 pieces
4 bacon rashers
4 sausages
half lb (225g) black pudding cut into 4 pieces
2 tablespoons of olive oil
4 tomatoes halved
4 large mushrooms (peeled and sliced)
IPreheat oven to (150 C), (300 F), Gas Mark 21) Brush the kidney,lamb chops, and steak with olive oil, season with
salt and pepper
2) Heat grill, land place sausages and kidneys on a freshly cleaned grill pan
3) Grill for 10 minutes, turn regularly, put in oven
4) Grill Lamb chops and rashers for 5 minutes on each side,
5) Grill the steak and black pudding for 5 minutes on each side, put in oven
6) Brush tomatoes and mushroom with some of the juices from the meat
7) Grill for 3 minutes on each side, season and add to oven for 1 minute
8) Remove dish from oven and cover with hot meat juices from the grill pan
9) Serve immediately
dimarts, 19 de gener del 2010
Cornish Pasty
2 cups flour
pinch of salt
1/3 - 1/2 cup water
Mix flour and lard, then add salt and water. Work into smooth dough and rest under a cover for 30 min. Meanwhile, prepare the filling:
1/4 lb. beef or chicken liver
1 rib celery 1/2 lb.
1 small carrot salt & pepper
1 small turnip
2 raw potatoes
1 egg, beaten
1 small onion
2 cups flour
pinch of salt
1/3 - 1/2 cup water
Mix flour and lard, then add salt and water. Work into smooth dough and rest under a cover for 30 min. Meanwhile, prepare the filling:
1/4 lb. beef or chicken liver
1 rib celery 1/2 lb.
1 small carrot salt & pepper
1 small turnip
2 raw potatoes
1 egg, beaten
1 small onion
Chop liver and mix with beef. Add salt and pepper and let rest for 10-20 minutes. Peel onion and potatoes, carrot and turnip; slice thinly, and blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes with thinly sliced celery. Drain and season with salt & pepper. Roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness; cut into 3 large squares. Put a layer of vegetables on half of each square and top it with meat mixture. Brush edges of dough with egg and fold plain half over the meat. Pinch edges together tightly. Bake for 1 hour: first for 2-3 min. at 400 degrees, then at 325 degrees for 1 hour.
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